Monday, August 31, 2009


After three hours of sleep the night before we left, then maybe three hours of sleep overnight on the plane, we finally arrived in Barcelona at 8AM on Sunday. Tired, hot, and grumpy, we then took the train, navigated the metro, and walked down a narrow alley to find our hotel, only to find out we couldn't check in for another three hours! Oh well! We left our bags and headed to La Rambla - a major Barcelona street with cafes and street vendors galore. There we were finally able to take a rest and have a beer and some food. After La Rambla, we navigated the back alleys of Barri Gothic (Old City/Gothic Quarter) and found the popular Placa Reial. Another rest was in order. At this point, we were lucky we were awake! It was 2pm Barcelona time, and we were wearing down. After munching on some paella and fish croquetas, we headed back to our hotel where we took a siesta before heading back out to the streets. We headed to the Port Vell area - the waterfront. There we found a marina, a huge modern mall, and a small cafe along the water where we had sangria and a salmon salad. After that, we found a small street stand that had hot waffles with chocolate and whipped cream...YUMMY!!! (See photos when we can post them!) We headed back to Placa Reial where we sat out at another cafe and had a glass of sangria (umm, we tried for coffee but they didn't have any!). We then headed back to the hotel with great plans for the next day, but woke up and when we checked our watches - it was already 1PM! We had slept for close to 14 hours! ¡Ay carrumba!

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